Ways to improve brain health because mental health matters - Health Crescent

5 Best Ways To Improve Brain Health

The brain is the most complex and complicated part of our nervous system. It is the center that controls and regulates all our senses, emotions, thoughts, temperature, breathing, movement, memories, and cognitive abilities. But, with the advancing age, brain cells degenerate, which affects our brain health. It can result in mental health problems like Alzheimer’s and dementia, etc. To boost brain function, we must follow ways to improve brain health and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, Health Crescent has listed the best possible ways to improve brain health and keep it young and healthy.


5 Ways To Improve Brain Health

You don’t need to bother about how to keep your brain healthy, just follow these simple steps and stay consistent to keep your brain healthy.

Sleep Well

Proper sleep is necessary for maintaining good mental health. Good sleep improves cognitive abilities such as learning, reasoning, memory making, speaking, attention, focus, concentration, etc. In case of improper sleep, our mental health deteriorates and can result in severe brain fog.


 Stages of Sleep Cycle


Quality sleep sharpens our brain’s working capabilities by maintaining a healthy sleep cycle. Besides enhancing cognitive abilities, sleep bolsters our immune system.

Lack of sleep is also associated with weight gain and obesity, that’s why proper sleep is recommended for weight maintenance and healthy weight loss.


Importance of Sleep


Exercise regularly

Exercise is not only good for building body muscles and keeping the body in shape but also keeps the brain in a healthy state. Exercise and any other physical activity help to strengthen brain muscle, enhance cognitive skills, and improves the working capabilities of the brain.

Physical activity reduces the risk of mental illnesses such as dementia, anxiety, depression, stroke, etc. According to a research study, a decline in cognitive abilities was twice among the adults who were physically inactive in comparison to those who were physically active.

150 minutes of exercise per week is recommended for good physical and mental health. You can have different types of physical activities such as walking, running, jogging, and other forms of exercise. You can also perform yoga for peace of mind and better mental health.

Eat healthy diet

Just like our body, our brain also needs healthy food that boosts brain function. Research says that the best brain food is one that protects blood vessels and the heart. Food that boosts brain function includes green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, etc. These food items contain brain-friendly nutrients such as folate, lutein, and beta carotene.

Food rich in fats and carbohydrates causes th inflammation of neurons and inhibits the formation of neurons(major cells of the brain). Therefore, an unhygienic diet containing excessive fats and sugars must avoid. A healthy and balanced diet is the key to thinking healthy and growing healthy.


Harms of using added sugars


Socialize as much as you can

Being an introvert is not bad, but cutting off from the world around is injurious to mental well-being. Remain socially active by interacting with people around you such as your family, friends, and relatives. Social interaction relieves depression and social anxiety.

Don’t burden your mind with loneliness because it will put you in a severe state of mind where you will not be able to cope with different situations. Be open and try to communicate your problems in the best possible way to keep your brain healthy and happy.

Take care of your health

Health is wealth. But it is not only about your physical health, but also your mental health. Several health problems such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes affect your mental and physical health. For a healthy brain keep your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes under control. Always remember,

A sound mind is a sound body.

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