How to get pregnant with PCOS quickly? by health crescent

How to get pregnant with PCOS quickly?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common hormonal disorder that affects a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Women with PCOS often have irregular menstrual cycles and do not ovulate regularly, making it harder for them to conceive. Here, in this article health crescent is going to explain the effect of healthy lifestyle changes on increased fertility rate in PCOS along with recommended medications and treatments.

How to get pregnant with PCOS quickly?

Getting pregnant with PCOS can be challenging, but here are some tips on how to get pregnant with PCOS quickly and to get rid of PCOS naturally.

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage stress
  • Exercise regularly
  • Track ovulation
  • Control insulin resistance 
  • Take fertility supplements
  • Consider assisted reproductive technologies (ART)

How to pregnant with PCOS quickly by eating healthy?

According to research, it seems that diet plays a crucial role in the clinical picture and laboratory findings of PCOS. According to the included studies, the change in the diet of women brought positive results in terms of the clinical appearance of the syndrome. (1)

Healthy eating can help improve fertility (2) in women with PCOS by reducing insulin resistance, regulating menstrual cycles, and reducing symptoms of the condition. Here are a few ways healthy eating can help:

Limiting refined carbohydrates and sugar: Consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrates and sugar can worsen insulin resistance, a hallmark of PCOS. Limiting these foods and choosing complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, can help regulate insulin levels and improve fertility.

Incorporating healthy fats: Including healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts, in your diet can help regulate hormones and improve insulin sensitivity.

Eating protein-rich foods: Consuming protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, poultry, fish, and legumes, can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

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KOS Plant-Based Protein Powder -PCOS friendly protein powder

Related: Best Protein Powder For PCOS

Increasing fiber: Consuming foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

Avoiding processed and high-fat foods: Processed and high-fat foods can worsen insulin resistance and contribute to weight gain, which can worsen the symptoms of PCOS.

How does stress management help you lower symptoms of PCOS?

Stress management can help lower symptoms of PCOS (3) by reducing stress-related hormones, such as cortisol, which can worsen the symptoms of PCOS. Here are a few ways that stress management can help:

Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

Relaxation techniques: Practices such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress and lower cortisol levels.

Counseling: Talking to a mental health professional about your stress can help you develop coping strategies and improve your overall well-being.

Time management: Prioritizing your time and finding ways to manage your workload can help reduce stress and improve your overall quality of life.

Support groups: Talking to other women with PCOS can provide a sense of community and support and help you feel less isolated and stressed.

It is important to note that stress management should be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as diet and lifestyle changes and medications, to effectively manage the symptoms of PCOS. 

How can healthy weight help to increase fertility in PCOS?

Studies suggest that obesity is responsible for an increased risk of sub-fecundity and infertility in women with PCOS. Obese women show poorer reproductive outcomes regardless of the mode of conception, and a higher body mass index is associated with poorer fertility prognosis(4).

Maintaining a healthy weight can help increase fertility in women with PCOS by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing symptoms of the condition. Here’s how:

Regulate insulin levels: Excess weight, particularly in the form of abdominal fat, can worsen insulin resistance, a hallmark of PCOS. By losing weight, you can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate your insulin levels, which can help regulate menstrual cycles and improve ovulation.

Reduce androgens: Androgens are male hormones that are elevated in women with PCOS, leading to symptoms such as hirsutism, acne, and irregular menstrual cycles. Losing weight can help lower androgen levels and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

Improve ovulation: Women with PCOS who are overweight or obese are less likely to ovulate regularly, making it harder to conceive. Losing weight can improve ovulation and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Improving overall health: Maintaining a healthy weight can also improve overall health and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.

How does a good sleep cycle improve my fertility rate in PCOS?

Getting adequate sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can have a positive impact on fertility in women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Here’s how:

Regulates hormones: A good sleep cycle can help regulate hormones(5) such as cortisol, which can have a major impact on fertility.

Increases insulin sensitivity: Poor sleep has been linked to insulin resistance, which is a common problem in women with PCOS. Getting adequate sleep can improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate menstrual cycles, which can increase the chances of getting pregnant(6).

Reduces stress: Stress can harm fertility and is often a problem for women with PCOS. Getting adequate sleep can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Supports ovulation: A consistent sleep cycle can also help support ovulation and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

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It’s important to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule, as well as make other lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and engaging in regular physical activity, to help improve fertility in women with PCOS.

How medications can help you get pregnant with PCOS?

Medications can be used to help women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) become pregnant. Here are a few common medications that are used for this purpose:

Clomiphene citrate: This medication is an oral fertility drug that helps stimulate ovulation(7).

Metformin: This medication is typically used to treat type 2 diabetes, but can also help women with PCOS regulate their menstrual cycles and improve insulin sensitivity, which can increase the chances of getting pregnant(8).

Letrozole: This medication is an aromatase inhibitor that can help induce ovulation in women with PCOS(9).

Gonadotropins: These medications contain follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), and can be used to help stimulate ovulation.

A Comparative Clinical Study to Treat Infertility in Women with PCOS: Clomifene, Letrozole, Finasteride and Metformin -Health Crescent
A Comparative Clinical Study to Treat Infertility in Women with PCOS:Click on the image to Shop NOW from Amazon

It’s important to note that these medications can have side effects and may not be appropriate for everyone. 

Related: Detailed List of recommended Supplements for PCOS

Tracking ovulation

 Monitoring your menstrual cycle and tracking ovulation can help you determine the best time to try to conceive. Ovulation predictor kits, basal body temperature charts, and cervical mucus monitoring can all be used to track ovulation.

How can assisted reproductive technologies (ART) help me to get pregnant with PCOS?

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) can help women with PCOS to get pregnant by providing alternative methods for fertilization and conception(10). Here are a few common ART techniques:

In vitro fertilization (IVF): During IVF, a woman’s eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus. IVF can be an effective option for women with PCOS who have difficulty ovulating or have irregular menstrual cycles.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is a form of IVF in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg. This method can be particularly helpful for couples where the male partner has a low sperm count or poor sperm quality(11).

Ovarian stimulation: Ovarian stimulation involves taking medications to increase the number of eggs produced during ovulation. This can improve the chances of conception and increase the chances of having multiple embryos, which can be used for fertility treatments such as IVF or ICSI.

Egg freezing: Egg freezing is a process where a woman’s eggs are frozen and stored for later use. This can be helpful for women who want to preserve their fertility and have children at a later time.

It is necessary to work with a fertility specialist to determine the best ART option for you based on your individual needs and medical history. Some ART techniques may not be suitable for women with certain health conditions or for those who have a higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy.


  1. XENOU, M., & GOUROUNTI, K. (2021). Dietary Patterns and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Mædica16(3), 516-521.
  2. Shang, Y., Zhou, H., He, R., & Lu, W. (2020). Dietary Modification for Reproductive Health in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology12.
  3. Zangeneh, F. Z., Jafarabadi, M., Naghizadeh, M. M., Abedinia, N., & Haghollahi, F. (2012). Psychological Distress in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran. Journal of Reproduction & Infertility13(2), 111-115.
  4. Cena, H., Chiovato, L., & Nappi, R. E. (2020). Obesity, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Infertility: A New Avenue for GLP-1 Receptor Agonists. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism105(8), e2695.
  5. Kim, T. W., Jeong, H., & Hong, C. (2014). The Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disturbance on Hormones and Metabolism. International Journal of Endocrinology2015.
  6. Leproult, R., & Cauter, E. V. (2009). Role of Sleep and Sleep Loss in Hormonal Release and Metabolism. Endocrine development17, 11.
  7. Mbi Feh MK, Wadhwa R. Clomiphene. [Updated 2022 Jun 27]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
  8. Johnson, N. P. (2014). Metformin uses in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Annals of Translational Medicine2(6).
  9. Li, F., & Shi, J. (2018). Letrozole for patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: A retrospective study. Medicine97(44).
  10. Jain M, Singh M. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Techniques. [Updated 2022 Nov 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
  11. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2012). Intrauterine insemination. Retrieved May 31, 2016, from  (PDF 252 KB)
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